PiControl Products

Building a PiControl Wall Plate (Hardware)
1. Ensure you have the following hardware before you begin. 2. Unbox the hardware and ensure you have the cables and screws as per below...
Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 14:31
Building a PiControl Wall Plate (Software)
1. Download the latest PiControl Wall Plate image from this link. 2. Run diskutil list on any terminal, get the disk number of the SD card from the output....
Sat, 19 Nov, 2022 22:44
RPi 3B+ settings to improve video stream performance
The RPi 3B+ network card appears to perform better with UDP traffic when instead of autonegotiating 1Gbps, it is set statically to 100Mbps sudo crontab -e...
Wed, 17 May, 2023 15:32
Shrinking a PiControl Image File
1. Install the command-line tools on macOS by running: sudo xcode-select --install 2. Download the PiShrink script by running: curl -LO https://gi...
Tue, 6 Dec, 2022 16:50
Building a PiControl Wall Plate image from the latest code
1. Download the latest Raspbian Buster image from this link. 2. Run diskutil list on any terminal, get the disk number of the SD card from the output. In ...
Wed, 7 Dec, 2022 11:28
Adjusting Volume of PAs on Senders
SSH into the sender using pi@sender-room.lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au (password in 1Password - PiControl Default) Go to /lib/systemd/system Edit files pa....
Thu, 30 Nov, 2023 10:28
Install Python PiControl service on RPi
# Running out-of-date Raspberry Pi OS apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change # Reclaim some disk space sudo apt-get clean # Install prere...
Fri, 5 Jul, 2024 12:19