1. Download the latest PiControl Wall Plate image from this link.

2. Run diskutil list on any terminal, get the disk number of the SD card from the output. In example below X will be 2. You can usually identify the SD card in the output by looking for "external, physical" in the disk description, and also matching the physical size of the disk with the size of the SD card being used. Once you have the disk number, proceed with the next step.

3. Unmount any partitions by running the following commands (replace X with your disk number):

    sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/rdiskX

4. Format and copy Raspbian image to SD card by running the following command (replace Y with the latest version number:

    sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/picontrol_wallplate_Y.Y.Y_shrunk.img of=/dev/rdiskX

5. Eject SD card by running the following command (replace X with the disk number):
    sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdiskX

6. Insert SD card to Raspberry PI and turn it on.