There is an issue using the ActivCalibrate feature in built on the ActivConnects so please follow these steps to work around the issue:

  1. Connect a PC/MAC computer with ActivManager installed in order to calibrate (you can download the latest Drivers/ActivManager here).
  2. Connect the computer to the ActivPanel and you should get the connected icon (See attached picture).
  3. Make sure the computer picture is filling the ActivPanel corner to corner (The PC resolution needs to be set to 1920 x 1080 or 3842 x 2160) and then select the ActivManager icon and calibration.
  4. Follow the instructions and touch on the "+" signs in the panel to calibrate.
  5. Check if touch is then accurate and then switch over to the ActivConnect, make sure this is filling the ActivPanel display and check accuracy.
  6. If it's not filling the screen fully, the accuracy will be off, so go into the HDMI resolution and make sure it is set to 1920 x 1080 or 3842 x 2160.